Not Your Typical Teenager

I don’t consider myself as a typical teenager of today. I read books, listen to indie music, watch romantic movies, and I’m nostalgic. That’s not what typical teenagers would do, right? Or is it? Ugh, I feel weird, you know. My friends don’t like my taste in music. They don’t read books. They don’t like to watch romantic movies. Am I really this opposite, being such an 90’s kid? No, not really. I feel like I was born in the 80’s, back in Audrey Hepburn’s time. I don’t know, really. I love listening to The Beetle’s and The Smiths. My mom hates these kind of music and she thinks I’m a weirdo. I know, I know. I get it. I’m just not anyone’s typical teenager. Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t really give a damn. Oops.

Personal Reminder #2

Be good.

No matter what happens to you, be good. No matter what people say, listen. But don’t let them affect you. Be good. Always think positive and neglect those poppycocks and trashtalks. Be good even if others are not, even if others cannot, even if others will not.

Personal Reminder #1

You need to keep going.

You need to go on, study harder, rest more, live happier. No matter what people throw at you, just believe in yourself. They don’t know you more than you know your inner self. Whatever they say, let it get out of your other ear. Don’t absorb their words. They’re a lot worse than you are. You’re better than them.

Irony of Romantic Love

Does anyone think it’s ironic, how we think that romantic love makes the world a better place?

I think it’s ironic how we see love as the key to happiness. I mean, can’t you see what it does to people? One second you think that someone is cute, the next you have a crush on them. One instant you like them, the next you fall for them. We think that love is what keeps us alive, but it’s not. It poisons our minds, crushes our hearts, and breaks us into pieces.

Isn’t it painful when one man waits for the woman he loves for a lifetime, and the next thing he knows, she already got married and has three kids? We often think that forever is not enough to hope for the best. That is what’s wrong with us. We think too much, we dream too much. We love too much, but what’s left for us is we get hurt too much.

I think that this is what’s love is all about: We care too much, yet we accept rejection. We respect too much, yet we accept inferiority. We forgive too much, yet we accept hurt. We dream too much, yet we accept false hopes. We love too much, yet we accept pain.

That’s the thing about love. All it lays in front of us are illusions.

Life and Sense

Sometimes I think people are somewhat senseless. They go to school, go to movies, mow their lawn, clean their house, but do they ever think about life? Like, do they ever stop and wonder why they exist? Sometimes I think I don’t live for any purpose. I sleep, I eat, I read, I talk, run, walk, sit, swim… and sometimes I just lie down and stare at the ceiling. Why do I live in this world anyway? In a world where chaos dominates, where love slowly fades. Sometimes I think we exist for the world. Life doesn’t work the way it wants itself to, it works the way we want it to. But it’s a choice, actually. We can either choose to live and be happy, or live and be sad, and we can choose to just let everything be. I think that’s the essence of life– to know our sense, to live for a purpose, exist for the world, and choose to be happy… or just die.